Weeknotes 2024 week 3


  • Delta column ‘Free of Expression’
  • YouTube video ‘Why you SHOULD be critical when brainstorming’. Made this one in a single day. Morning spent setting up and recording, edited the whole thing in the afternoon. Mostly an excuse to try my new teleprompter. Next time I think I should spend more time polishing the script, and to be more conscious of the tempo/rhythm of the video. It goes from hasty to slow and back again a few times now.


  • Discovered BlackMagic’s Resolve lessons and followed ‘Introduction to Editing’. So many little things I would never have figured out on my own.

Notes / Other stuff

  • Submitted Comenius grant application this week. Reasonably happy with the project proposal, in the end. We’ll see.
  • Thursday was my very last afternoon coaching first year Mechanical Engineering students! I wonder whether I’ll miss it. And looking back I’m struck by how difficult students seem to be finding things this year. In previous years, we got much more in-depth with modelling (even Python scripts) than this or last year. Way more tinkering and way less engineering that I remember from earlier years. Then again, the end-results were always dodgy so perhaps I’m misremembering… In any case, I find myself thinking I would change so much if I were the boss of these courses (do less better). Which means it’s good I won’t be doing it anymore, as I’m not in that position.
  • So yeah, I think I might try to do weeknotes weekly-ish for a while and see what they bring, inspired by Russel Davies‘ book ‘DO Interesting’ that I read but never did anything with before.