YouTube video ‘Why you SHOULD be critical when brainstorming’. Made this one in a single day. Morning spent setting up and recording, edited the whole thing in the afternoon. Mostly an excuse to try my new teleprompter. Next time I think I should spend more time polishing the script, and to be more conscious of the tempo/rhythm of the video. It goes from hasty to slow and back again a few times now.
Discovered BlackMagic’s Resolve lessons and followed ‘Introduction to Editing’. So many little things I would never have figured out on my own.
Notes / Other stuff
Submitted Comenius grant application this week. Reasonably happy with the project proposal, in the end. We’ll see.
Thursday was my very last afternoon coaching first year Mechanical Engineering students! I wonder whether I’ll miss it. And looking back I’m struck by how difficult students seem to be finding things this year. In previous years, we got much more in-depth with modelling (even Python scripts) than this or last year. Way more tinkering and way less engineering that I remember from earlier years. Then again, the end-results were always dodgy so perhaps I’m misremembering… In any case, I find myself thinking I would change so much if I were the boss of these courses (do less better). Which means it’s good I won’t be doing it anymore, as I’m not in that position.
So yeah, I think I might try to do weeknotes weekly-ish for a while and see what they bring, inspired by Russel Davies‘ book ‘DO Interesting’ that I read but never did anything with before.